Monday, November 7, 2011

Made In China

While reading, "Ali Baba and the 90 Thieves", it is explained to the class that although you might think the story originated in India - really it was originated in China.

A student calls out, "Geeeez everything is made in china these days, I swear!" - E.G.

bahahahaa. and I laughed for a good five minutes before proceeding. kids.

1 comment:

  1. can't wait for rub to say these funny things.
    i will tell you one.
    i was using the bathroom.
    just going pee.
    just an fyi.
    ruby walks in. looks at me. and grunts as if she is going poo.
    like she was "teaching me/helping me" are you laughing.
    she is smart.
